What was your favorite antenna growing up and how did it perform?

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Posts: 912
Joined: June 14th, 2009, 7:46 pm
Handle: De_Wildfire
Real Name: Greg
Antenna: Imax 2000. Hex Beam, G5RV dipole, Jpole(UHF/VHF) Austin Suburban Tri Band (UHF/VHF)
Radio: Washington, Tram D201, Tram D64, Robyn 520D, Cobra 139XLR, Elecraft K3S, Kenwood 590S, Yaesu FTM 400DR, Alinco DR-235, ADI-146

What was your favorite antenna growing up and how did it perform?


Post by De_Wildfire »

What was your favorite antenna growing up and how did it perform? Back when I was a teenager, I had a big stick antenna and a PDL2 Quad for 11 meters. I used a TRAM D201A running 12 watts on those antennas. It worked well into Europe, Russia, South America, Africa and Australia. Yes, I did utilize the 11 meter band very well.
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Swamp Rat
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Re: What was your favorite antenna growing up and how did it perform?


Post by Swamp Rat »

My favorite antenna back in the day was Avanti's Astroplane ,followed by the original Starduster by Antenna Specialists .
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Re: What was your favorite antenna growing up and how did it perform?


Post by MDYoungblood »

My favorite was the Avanti (Antenna Specialist) Sigma II (model AV-170), I had it mounted on the far side of the house and later bought a Avanti Moonraker IV (model AV-140) on a 40ft American Tower, CDE Ham IV rotor mounted inside the tower on a Rohn rotor plate and a thrust bearing (homemade) at the tower top. Still have the Sigma but the Moonraker succumb to a ice storm back in the late 70's. The parts were used to make several different antennas over the years.


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Posts: 912
Joined: June 14th, 2009, 7:46 pm
Handle: De_Wildfire
Real Name: Greg
Antenna: Imax 2000. Hex Beam, G5RV dipole, Jpole(UHF/VHF) Austin Suburban Tri Band (UHF/VHF)
Radio: Washington, Tram D201, Tram D64, Robyn 520D, Cobra 139XLR, Elecraft K3S, Kenwood 590S, Yaesu FTM 400DR, Alinco DR-235, ADI-146

Re: What was your favorite antenna growing up and how did it perform?


Post by De_Wildfire »

Swamp Rat and MDYoungblood.......Those antennas bring back good memories. All the neighborhoods around me back in the day had all those antennas around. Everyone back in the day had to to have an antenna different than everyone else and compete that that.
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